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Brian Moore Saved Our Sundays : The Golden Age of Televised Football

Brian Moore Saved Our Sundays : The Golden Age of Televised Football

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Brian Moore Saved My Sunday is a nostalgic romp through the golden days of regional televised football. It revisits a time when the voices of not just the peerless Brian Moore, but of Hugh Johns, Gerald Sinstadt, Gerry Harrison and others, brought drama to TV sets. Whether The Big Match, Shoot or Kick Off Match, each ITV region had its own version.

Dozens of people from in front of or behind the camera, or on the mic, were interviewed for this fascinating book that was ten years in the making. The families of Moore, Johns and Sinstadt provide priceless insights and many exclusive photographs. Pioneering director Bob Gardam, creative mastermind Jeff Foulser, ITV stalwart Gary Newbon, and forces of nature like Granada's Paul Docherty, also share their memories.

Brian Moore Saved My Sunday will thrill those fans who wolfed down their Sunday lunch to grab the best spot in front of the TV for footballing heaven. And, frankly, who didn't?

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